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About Us

Imagine weaving through breathtaking landscapes on two wheels, the rhythm of your pedals guiding you deeper into the heart of ancient cultures and vibrant traditions. At Thikanas on Cycle, we craft extraordinary cycling journeys tailored to your dreams.

Founded by Depi Chaudury, a seasoned explorer with over 20 years of experience navigating the hidden gems of India and beyond, Thikanas on Cycle embodies the spirit of adventure. Our name itself reflects this philosophy: "Thikana" translates to "princely state". While in hindi "Cycle Ka Kaya Thikana" playfully translates to "the cycle can go anywhere."

We believe that the most captivating journeys are the ones designed for you. Whether you're a seasoned cyclist seeking a challenging Himalayan climb or a curious explorer yearning for a leisurely ride through rolling countryside, our team of experts will curate an itinerary that perfectly matches your desires. From the majestic Himalayas to the serene backwaters of Kerala, our reach extends across India, encompassing Rajasthan, Orissa, Central India, Ladakh, Kashmir, and beyond. We even offer unforgettable cycling adventures in Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Burma and Uzbekistan!

So, ditch the tourist trail and embark on an unforgettable odyssey with Thikanas on Cycle. Let us unlock the magic of unexplored routes, hidden wonders, and cultural encounters, all from the unique perspective of your bicycle seat.

Tired of Tours That Treat You Like Herding Sheep?

We get it. You're not a follower, you're a trailblazer. That's why our tours are as flexible as a yoga instructor on a sugar rush.

Need a weeks whirlwind or a month-long meander? We've got you covered. Want to ride a camel instead of a bus? We can probably make that happen. Basically, if you can dream it, we can probably bodge it together.

Forget the Eiffel Tower and the Leaning Tower of Pisa (everyone's seen those already). We'll take you to hidden gems where the locals haven't even seen many tourists. 

Our routes are meticulously planned by a team of experts who wouldn't be caught dead on the "beaten path". We're talking the kind of remoteness that requires a compass and a good sense of humor.

Things go sideways? Don't worry, we've got your back. We'll pull out all the stops and use our extensive network of contacts (we know a guy who knows a guy who can probably get you a discount on yak butter).

So, ditch the boring tours and embark on an adventure that's as unique as you are.

We've Been There, Done That

Let's face it, some travel companies just throw darts at a map and call it a tour. Not us! We've been adventuring for over 20 years, from scorching deserts to mountains that make Everest look like a speed bump.

Every trip we design is like a meticulously planned heist. We scout locations, do dry runs, and prepare for everything from monsoon downpours to rogue yak attacks.

But here's the best part: all that planning isn't just about avoiding disaster. It also allows us to sprinkle in some epic surprises, like hidden hot springs, secret temples guarded by grumpy monkeys, or that once-in-a-lifetime chance to yodel with a group of friendly nomads.

So, ditch the tours that treat you like cattle and join us for an adventure that's more exciting than an escape room with a live tiger.

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